Friday, October 15, 2010

"Run over a cat look in ya review and revise the work you've done"

Well thiss week we read a passage on Revision and the importance of  it. Revision works best if you write your work 1 week and the next week you look at it again because its like a fresh pair of eyes and you will find more of your own mistakes ( does it speak to the correct audience?, Will it make sense to the readers?) than you would if you read it over immediately after you've written it. Also you may want to read it out loud just to see if it sounds confusing when read. I beilieve you should edit by paragraph because after yove written a paragraph you can go check your work and if your on the wrong path you will have to fail ,hit the floor and then you can take a closer look at the road and realize your going the wrong way you can catch your self and not bee too far in the essay to fix it. It also is a very steady pace instead of editing by every line.
In the end you should just always revise your work and its rewarding if you do it over a period of time not 1 day before its completed.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Michael Jordan

    The logo Known around the whole world. I know in my town brockton almost every kid owns a pair of J's (jordan sneakers). He is such a role model  through ou his career because he is the best ever to play his sport and he is "human". when i say human i mean he is simialr to our everyday life  male because he goes thru trials and tribulations just as we do . Because he didnt m has been make his highschool team his freshman year he gives kids the confidence and motivation to persevere. Even though he has been through legal trouble ,divorce ect it makes him even mre better in our eyes, ev more as a role model because if he can still go on after all theses events happening to him so can we. No matter what he still will be The best ever, the "shoe game king"and still MIchael Jordan