Thursday, December 2, 2010


We all had our favorite Disney movie whether it was Alladin, Cinderella,Aristocrats,or snow white .My favorite is The Lion king i could recite each song in the amazing musical word for word. I have a simba teddy bear even gave my girlfriend a Nala just cause i though it was cool. But the Most dramatic part of the movie is the Stampede also known as Mufasa's death. it starts as Simba is Roaring at a lizard and then he feels a tremble and hears  a stampede coming. he believes he starts it but if you watch the scene before it you understand that Scar (simbas evil uncle) and his minions are the actual criminals here. simba is trapped in this stamped and Scar runs to Mufasa (simbas dad) to tell him Simba is in danger cause he is stuck in the eye heart of the stampede. fooling mufasa to put mufasa in danger so Mufasa goes save simba and is getting a beating trying to save his son. Unfortunately after saving his son he gets beat a little more and is now clawing up the cliff and as he is near the top Scar is looking down at him and Mufasa asks him for help but instead Scar whispers "long live the king" and assasinates him. Simba does not see this happen but all he witnesses is the fall of his father. Now simba feels the death of the king (his father Mufasa ) is all his fault and the tribe will never forgive him. so by default Scar is now King because he is the next heir to the throne.

This movie was written and plotted very well just this clip is a great example because it gives you both sides of the story so you know exactly how it would be if you were in any certain characters shoes or shoed i say paws:)

Friday, November 12, 2010

COMPOnents of An Essay

This week we read and was taught about the componentts of Essays (wassup Essay) not a slang word  for mexican dude. This essay is what you turn in to your professors and used all through out life. the components of the essay is  Title ,Thesis, Intro,transition , Conclusion   .

The title is suppose to Hint the reader what the essay is going to be about but also leading them on grasping there attention wanting more.

The thesis is your main argument let the reader know exactly what is the purpose of this essay and topic your writing about. this is NOT YOUR TOPIC SENTENCE ; your topic sence just lets your topic be known.

Introduction is your chance to give background info on the topic youre talking about soo the reader can better understand what your talking about in your body paragraphs.

Transition is how you change from topic to topic the better it flows the  more effective the paragraph ( at first, first of all, to begin with, in the first place, at the same time,after all, all in all, all things considered, briefly, by and large, in any case, in any event, in brief, in conclusion, on the whole)

Conclusion is suppose to summarize your whole argument. its not suppose to be a repeat of your introduction and is not supppose to be a couple sentences should be a paragraph to give an ending to your essay

Monday, November 1, 2010


ALL right if you wanna be in the in crowd check out my new website. ok im kidding but if you have some spare time dont  be afraid to check it out and give me some feedbak

Friday, October 15, 2010

"Run over a cat look in ya review and revise the work you've done"

Well thiss week we read a passage on Revision and the importance of  it. Revision works best if you write your work 1 week and the next week you look at it again because its like a fresh pair of eyes and you will find more of your own mistakes ( does it speak to the correct audience?, Will it make sense to the readers?) than you would if you read it over immediately after you've written it. Also you may want to read it out loud just to see if it sounds confusing when read. I beilieve you should edit by paragraph because after yove written a paragraph you can go check your work and if your on the wrong path you will have to fail ,hit the floor and then you can take a closer look at the road and realize your going the wrong way you can catch your self and not bee too far in the essay to fix it. It also is a very steady pace instead of editing by every line.
In the end you should just always revise your work and its rewarding if you do it over a period of time not 1 day before its completed.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Michael Jordan

    The logo Known around the whole world. I know in my town brockton almost every kid owns a pair of J's (jordan sneakers). He is such a role model  through ou his career because he is the best ever to play his sport and he is "human". when i say human i mean he is simialr to our everyday life  male because he goes thru trials and tribulations just as we do . Because he didnt m has been make his highschool team his freshman year he gives kids the confidence and motivation to persevere. Even though he has been through legal trouble ,divorce ect it makes him even mre better in our eyes, ev more as a role model because if he can still go on after all theses events happening to him so can we. No matter what he still will be The best ever, the "shoe game king"and still MIchael Jordan

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Impressed and intrested

Well this week we are (or maybe just i am) focused on our literacy narrative essays and learning the basics of them and getting ideas of how we are goin to approach this first assignment though viewing past students'  work on the assignment. My favorite model example was the Accelerating reading visual project because not only did i get what he was explaining but it had me interested the whole entire time because it was humorous.The Student througout his project presented a smooth flow of him developing into a better student.Also the way he set the tone was amazing with the use of dark and light colors and also music that makes the reader feel whatever the lyrics are saying or how up tempo the beat is.For example if you listen to the song Devour by Shinedown  you will feel anger or get motvation/determination and i agree with all his music choices within his visual literacy because i wasnt lost for a moment.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Failing once

I have decided my narrative is going to focus on an important part of my life. A time that life was changing physically mentally and educationally. It takes place in my 8th grade school year mainly the spring semester  in English class and even though i failed that class i may have learned the most than i have in any other classroom. My Teacher Mrs Andrews was my worst enemy but also my bestfriend we were "the best enemies".